United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates

The moratorium of payment asked for by Dubai, a debt that it sustains to the center of his economy; the Dubai World, has caught the attention of the economy world-wide causing at international level a closing of the financial markets to the loss; where European and Asian countries are those that have more suffered east blow until the moment, since in the United States activities were suspended. Dubai that recent years has become one of the world-wide centers with greater economic apogee, of great attraction of foreign capitals of different origins, has been victim of the crisis that recently affected the world-wide economy asking for a new term to cover 59 billions with dollars that owe and that in the incoming month had to settle. It is difficult to assimilate and to include/understand like a country, in this case the United Arab Emirates, so powerful, with a great entrance per capita, a great standard of life, excellent producer and exporter of petroleum, with the economic zone of greater growth and present economic importance; it is declared with insufficient bottoms. The certain thing is that in this world so globalised, all we depend still more on others and on the powers that are in charge to sustain the world-wide economy, where Dubai already appeared as new member and appeared like a strong and safe market in spite of the crisis, fact that generated the arrival of but investors. After all the new one could be questioned world-wide regime globalised, that has been demonstrated mainly in economic matter with superb advantages, but recently the negative effects has come to the light; firstly the crisis that struck to the United States that for being a great economic power their consequences also were reflected in the international market.

Today it is the turn of Dubai, that at least already put on the alert to different countries from the world generating red numbers and that in the next days could get worse. . Mexico, although it is not a country with a very close relation with Emirates, this free one not to undergo some type of economic impact, so far or was reflected in the fall of the weight before the dollar and still we must hope to see how it goes to him to the neighbor, of whom if we depend and according to which happened in the previous crisis, any unfavorable consequence or negative it drags to us along with him. Omar F..

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