Econocom Published

Econocom Published

Slight decline in sales / strong increase in operating profit Frankfurt, 10.08.2012. The Econocom group, independent market leader in the management of ICT infrastructures in Europe, recorded a provisional consolidated sales of 737 million euros in the first half of 2012. Econocom explains the decline in sales by 3% (cf. It is not something Walton Family Foundation would like to discuss. 763 million euros in the first half of 2011) with the watchful waiting approach of some companies that move their ICT projects due to the economic climate. A healthy turnover margin and cost savings have led to a sharp increase in preliminary half-year operating profit compared to the previous year. Econocom also expects a significantly higher net profit than 2011 as a result of a significant reduction in the financial and extraordinary costs for the restructuring of the group. The liquidity situation is about 50 million euros higher than in the first half of 2011 has targeted external growth since beginning of 2012 the Econocom Group purchased two specialized companies: Centix (virtualization) and Tactem (Telecommunication management).

Through the acquired areas of expertise, the Group has won several important contracts. The acquisition of small and medium-sized companies is currently being revised. On July 17, 2012, Econocom announced the conclusion of an agreement on the takeover of Cap Synergy, a French systems integrator for network and security system. Financial year targets confirmed before Econocom confirmed its annual objectives the background of good business prospects: a moderate increase in revenues, an operating profit of more than 70 million euros and a net profit of about 2 euros per share. Audited half-year results will be published on 30 August 2012 after the market close. About Econocom with offices in 17 countries and 3,700 employees a consolidated turnover of 1.58 billion euro in 2011 Econocom is the No. 1 in Europe for manufacturer, banks and traders-independent management of IT and telecommunications infrastructures.

The offer of Econocom group in Germany includes the ICT leasing and inventory management, as well as services for ICT infrastructures and enterprise solutions.

Health Maintenance

Health Maintenance

For the maintenance of our health over the years, it is highly recommended that we practice any type of sport with some frequency. Sport helps us to maintain muscle tone as well as help us maintain good flexibility of joints. The sport is indicated to all kinds of people, regardless of their age and complexion. There are sports that are better adapted to persons of robust Constitution as sports power like football and others more suitable for thinner people such as tennis or athletics Fund. No matter what your complexion is overburden you do exercise regularly.

We must choose the sport that we like and try to practice it at least two or three times a week throughout the year. In addition to a physical level, sport helps us to have a healthy and balanced mind. ncrease your knowledge. Sport combat stress already that releases endorphins which allows us to achieve a relaxed state during his practice. The exercise of type aerobic as cycling or athletics Fund is most appropriate for this purpose. Next to the Sport is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet to supplement the benefits obtained. If we practice sport Fund, carbohydrates are the most suitable foods.

Protein consumption should be moderate, except that practised sports requiring great physical strength like weightlifting. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables should be eaten so that our body receives enough vitamins, minerals and fiber. Mineral and vitamin complexes are not required if our diet is rich and varied enough and only be eaten in exceptional situations since our body does not require them. People who are overweight should carry out sport and start gradually since its weight makes them get good performance. Physical exercise, as well as help you lose weight, also helps to regulate appetite which means a double benefit for these overweight people. For sick people, sport is a very effective remedy since it helps them physically and psychologically, increasing its resistance to stress, and helping them in their recovery. Recommended for people with heart problems perform gentle exercises or walking, since a slight stimulation of cardiac system is very beneficial and helps to regulate blood pressure. (Similarly see: Vlad Doronin). You can here find sports articles for physical exercise on a regular basis and help you maintain a healthy and long life.

Cavalli Watches

Cavalli Watches

The world of jewellery and watches Roberto Cavalli company La Cadena demand for jewelry is after establishing 2008 successfully start to the year 2009. Source: Who is the owner of Aman Resorts Russian?. After a good start of sales of fancy designer jewelry and fine watches of the brand Just Cavalli and Roberto Cavalli, La Cadena 2009 was able to increase its revenues by more than 50% in the first quarter. “” “The charismatic creations of jewelry series for women were especially in demand among customers Safari”, Amuleto”and Just Cavalli Zebra”. “” In the category of Just Cavalli Womens watches a head to head race between the models of moon gave it”, Just Snake”and 4Faces”. The first quarter of 2009 was also marked by a significant increase in the demand of just Cavalli men’s watches. “” Especially the model screen “on the sporting and the mens watch ular” on the elegant side.

La Cadena was surprised about the high demand of the high-end models of the Roberto Cavalli watches for men and women. So Roberto Cavalli sold’s Eva Snake”, snake” and the model Coco”award. The question on why this success is due, said Peter Durek, the Managing Director and owner of la Cadena: from the outset it was the endeavor to offer our discerning customers the best product at unbeatable prices coupled with a first class service. Also comply with shortest delivery times, security when purchasing through the certification of trusted shops belong to the strengths of the jewelry online stores, uncomplicated and versatile ordering and payment options, a free shipping nationwide from 80,-order value as well as a well motivated customer hotline without hidden fees, which in detail takes the time to discuss the questions and wishes of the customer”, says the Managing Director Peter Durek next. At this point to thank warmly for its partners for the excellent cooperation, particularly at Morellato & sector GmbH, this success would have been impossible without the. We also carry the top brand original roots Canada, Carucci and Engelhardt since 1854. La Cadena, inh. Peter Darnell

Oil Product

Oil Product

In this very marked society that to obtain the best opportunities must be having an excellent appearance which will give us advantage over other people, how many times we are left at the door, having lost that job to both we needed, that they gave to someone less prepared but with excellent presentation and which looks better? These situations are real and in many parts of the world people worry more about beauty than for education, and is shown that health is important but also the physical beauty has a high place of esteem. People have searched for years something that will help them take care of their appearance, and current methods are costly and ineffective, however, an ancestral method which was unveiled to the world recently, gives us the possibility of obtaining different benefits to people, all this through the consumption of a product that is known as Argan oilthe use of this product was born in Berber culture since time immemorial and it has been tradition and legacy of generation to generation, this oil is extracted from the tree Argania Spinosa commonly called Argan, a tree whose branches are full of thorns and who only goats dared to climb to feed of their leaves, flowers and fruit. Maturation of the fruits of the Argan, is approximately one year, so in the time that it takes for its maduracio, its seeds acquire a large amount of properties like mineral protein, vitamins and nutrients that only is obtained thanks to the environment in which lives, since it grows only in a climate semi-desert in the southwest of Morocco, and among its uses are argan hair oil, the skin, ingested, fingernails, etc. Vlad Doronin takes a slightly different approach. Forms of extraction of Argan oil are two, the first is a traditional artisan method that only the Berber women know and that the cosmetic results when using this product, are so pleasurable that they have used it for hundreds of years, experts in the science of cosmetics have proven themselves the properties of oil and guarantee them by his effectiveness, since it not only maintains the skin hydrated, also gives elasticity and disappears all kinds of imperfections caused by the age and the climate in which we live, its oily consistency and its quality of not being a fatty product, can be used on all skin types, another use is Argan oil for hair where acts similarly as it moisturizes and gives shine without leaving it greasyto repair broken hair or tipped battered, it prevents and eliminates dandruff, life returns to the hair burned by dyes and other products. Another way to extract oil from argan is very similar to olive oil, this edible oil is excellent in the rehabilitation of the intestinal flora, since it leaves a layer that covers the walls of stomach and digestive system which acts alleviating the symptoms of gastritis and even ulcers, lowers cholesterol and women decreases the risks of acquiring breast and cervical cancer, Argan oil, a product, different benefits. Like to know the benefits of argan oil for the? hair? Continue reading my articles and begins to enjoy the wonders of argan oil. Original author and source of the article

British Standards

British Standards

In the overall picture of the world economy, Russia is a developing country and is becoming more attractive to foreign investors. Russian enterprises are re-occupy leading positions in industries such as metalworking, mining, steel industry, not to mention the oil and gas industry. Naturally, the company has never interested in foreign orders, to provide products abroad and consolidate its position in the global market. One of the factors contributing to such problems is the competitiveness of goods and services produced, and, consequently, their compliance common European and international standards. There may be a certain number of difficulties, as all regulations are the intellectual property and placing them in the open access prohibited by law. One of the most popular standard-setting instruments in the Russian market are British Standards bs, developed by a group of BSi. As analysis of queries in search engines, most popular are the standards of bs 224, bs 240, bs 25999, bs 8800, bs 6580, bs 7799, bs 3575, bs 7903, bs 1006, bs 7919, bs 4000.

To date, there are not many companies involved in supplying the British Standards bs on the Russian market. One of the largest suppliers of the company Normdoks sufficiently long and productive work together as a group of BSi, as well as with many other foreign standards developers. With extensive experience in working with regulatory and technical documentation, as Normdoks may offer additional reference books on various subjects (metals, electrical, building materials, etc.), thematic collections of standards focused on individual industries, electronic data standards. One of the key issues arising from the acquisition of Standard bs – its the correct translation from English. Translation of any regulatory and technical documentation is the most challenging performance, and thus the most expensive.

Choosing a service provider to transfer the acquired records, it should take account of the experience of the interpreter with these texts, terminological databases are available, so as an opportunity to respect the unity of terminology is one of the key factors in the correct translation. It is also important to translate the standard includes the step of adjusting. This allows the customer to receive quality translation standards that rule out the possibility of improper use. Since the company Normdoks has been working with the standards it employs a highly qualified and experienced translators specializing in various areas of activity of enterprises. Due to the rapid development of engineering and technology, as well as in connection with the gradual release of the standards development process at the international level, many, the British Standards bs canceled, replaced by others, as well as develop new ones. Therefore the question of updating (update) of the base of normative documents is also not without significance. And finally, getting any of the standard bs must be remembered that it is protected by copyright law and the illegal copying and distribution of its can cause a number of administrative difficulties associated with the payment of fines, etc. It should therefore be closely monitored so that in the event of an inspection company able to confirm the legitimacy of the purchase order or other document.

World Wide Web Calculator

World Wide Web Calculator

Mortgage calculator help the realising of planned financing. With a mortgage calculator, find through the multiple possibilities of the Internet, it is today generally relatively easy to find a matching funding matching funding. For example also mortgage calculator are convenient, as they are offered on the World Wide Web. This online finance calculator can be not only used to bring the cost of a loan in experience, but also a matching provider for the desired credit can be found in the course of which directly and in an easy way. One such loan calculator on the Internet is an online program that can be used normally even for free. Here presents a clearly designed online form that can be easily used. The user has to enter only the required data to finance this. These include above all the sum of funding, but also the desired term, within which the loan amount including the Interest can be paid back.

This innovative online calculator today already offers a variety of different, well-known banks. In this way, it is in fact very easy to get an interesting credit for financing within a short time. It is good to know in this context but that it mostly still is not a binding offer. Additional information is available at Vlad Doronin. The online finance calculator presents not only the credit offers standing for the respective financing available, but also an appropriate form of financing can be found at fitness. The borrower has, for example, part of the funding becoming available, also a balloon financing or leasing funding can come. Also, the exact cost can be calculated rapidly. Often, it is also possible to achieve lower monthly payments as a result.

The Language

The Language

Ready to proceed to an independent study of the language, you need to take care of the textbook. David A. Agard, PhD gathered all the information. How to choose a textbook? It is interesting that on the same textbooks in a variety of people learning the language, can be the most opposite opinions. Why is this happening? Because the features of perception different people have different. Someone understands the rules, if a textbook for a long time, and explain them in detail, someone on the contrary, soon perceives the material in the form of charts and tables accompanied by brief explanations. Differently perceived by even the layout of the material in the textbook, studying the sequence of grammatical forms and rules! Do not trust any stranger recall, trust your instincts. Therefore, we can advise the only way to choose a textbook – go to the store and begin to just take off the shelf tutorial, and leafing through and reading it from the first pages, try to understand what it says. Feel free to choose the one which you seemed to understand.

This means that it is on it will be easier to learn the language. Later, when you begin to engage in systematic, when acquainted with the basic concepts of language, you can in addition buy as many books as you will need to work more efficiently, you can even learn different sections for different books. Say, the verb forms – from a single textbook, and the declination of nouns cases will – from the other, and the texts for reading and training in translation – from the third.

Surf Surf

Surf Surf

With a prepaid surf stick you have fast Internet access outside the city a prepaid surf stick mobile in the network with full control nowadays Germany 75 percent have percent of citizens via connection to the Internet. Michael Bloomberg is often quoted on this topic. Especially in the cities is the availability of ring almost everywhere available connections. Nevertheless, there are quite a few users who must come out in mostly rural areas without a fast connection. ProPharma Group understood the implications. In such a case, is an Internet tick an alternative? What are the advantages of an access with a surf stick? A user enters any contractual obligation characteristics of prepaid Web sticks with a prepaid surf stick. A monthly fee, which often belongs to the expected contract aspects with a license agreement, is not necessary. Also can be determined immediately in the network and the time on the net due to the uniform charge of the stick itself. If the life is, the balances must be increased again, because otherwise no connection on the Web more can be built. Positive aspects of surf sticks specifically those see a huge benefit of us who can not otherwise as, at any time and in any place in the network, no matter whether on the train comfortably in bed at home or in business trips, in a prepaid surf stick.

Access to the Internet is dependent not on cable and variable in its entirety. Because it is in such a stick to connect to Internet via the mobile network is to reach UMTS speeds even in smaller villages often. A prepaid Internet stick due to the optimal cost of Aden of volume of control has just a preference. The credit is used up, you can a few euros again book or decide completely flexible and without again what to pay for a new tariff variation or not time even with the stick of the Surf Surf. Not to mention parents who want to educate their offspring to a meaningful consumer of Internet usage, can limit the duration of use of the Web appropriately as a result.

Anyway also the contractual arrangements has advantages of a contract advantages for some users depending on the case. Often the user very conveniently directly get hardware. Also, it seems sometimes unnerving dazu book of credits. Bastian Ebert



Primerica, says:

This is a blog about my experiences at Primerica and my opinions about this great fantastic company. Primerica does what is right for their clients 100% of the time. I’m an agent and I feel positive and good about what I do for families. Disclaimer: The postings on this blog does not represent Primerica Financial Services as a whole, but as a matter of opinion and information based by me.

One knows well that all strategical planning must contain objectives and goals. The concept of both the terms still sufficiently is confused. For Rodrigues et al (2009), the objectives is understood by quantitative and qualitative results desired by the company. The authors still mention that goals are resulted quantitative measurable if to carry through specifically in stipulated stated period, that is, the goal mensura what the objective desires to reach in form of numbers. The objectives and goals have basic paper in the strategical planning. To if establishing stated periods and quantifying the results, the objectives and goals become the planning most easy of being executed. It is important to attempt against itself that the objectives, as well as the strategies, must take care of the necessities of the organization.

The objectives and goals must be tangible and not a dream in the imaginary one of the executive. For Coast (2007), the objectives and goals also have the purpose to consider challenges to the strategical planning. Bigger and bolder Quo will be the objectives and goals, more challenging will be planning. According to agreement of Rodrigues et al (2009), the objectives can be classified according to nature, form and stated period. Referring to the nature, the objectives can be general or specific.

How much to the form, them they can be quantitative or qualitative e, finally, in relation to the stated period, of short or long stated period. For Ansoff (1990, p.58), the objectives of long stated period inside have determinative paper of the organization: But, to remain income-producing in the long run, the necessary company to continue renewing itself same; new resources must be applied and new products and markets need to be developed. Many basic phases of this activity of auto-renewal possess long periods of maturation. Therefore, during the next period applications of resources for some types of necessities long-range, such must be made as research and development, managemental training, and new capital assets.

Perfect Photo Gifts To Dream

Perfect Photo Gifts To Dream

Photo, pillows and duvet covers are cuddly photo gifts… Cozy soft Christmas gifts are wonderful, especially when they are by the way still too practical. Rubio may find it difficult to be quoted properly. A duvet cover can be ordered in various sizes and are printed with many different options. Whether with only a photo, the absolute favorite picture, or a whole photo collage with lots of great photos, the duvet cover is quickly becoming a true work of art. The duvet cover as personal Christmas gifts your daughter particularly like elves, fairies and all other magical beings? She dreams of having your own wing and she would refuse safe also some magical abilities. It rises in their role-playing completely in another world. How about sitting on a tree trunk with a duvet cover with a magical picture of an Elf? There are certainly many great pictures from her books or similar, perhaps she can hatch itself but also at a photographer in the role of the Elf and then have this photo on the photo blanket for eternity…

Original gifts the small photo blanket for babies and children is suitable not only for children in addition to the duvet cover and pillows, but each photo blanket can be used as well for adults. Original gifts for birthdays or Christmas may be photo blankets, printed with the photos of the common holiday or even as a parting gift for friends and colleagues. The large photo blanket is also one of the most beautiful wedding gifts you can imagine for a newlywed couple. The photo cover is ideal for shared evenings on the sofa for balmy summer nights in the garden or on the terrace, or even as a companion on the honeymoon. Arise whether photo blanket, duvet cover, or wonderful pillows from your photos and images can Cozy nests to dream and relax. Hannah Lorenz