

SelfCheck specifically determined the company’s individual strengths and according to the findings from practice studies a large part of the production company has weaknesses no adequate performance measurement systems alarm clock (L) / Hurth, 11.04.2011 – the production intelligence Institute has published a practical help to optimize the key performance indicators (KPI) in production. It is aimed at production, quality and process owners in the company. The comprehensive and free guide looks at the relevant impact and effect factors of performance measurement systems and shows the future ways with high practical relevance. An essential practice help content consists in an extensive SelfCheck, to determine the company’s individual action by a status analysis of the indicator conditions for a targeted improvement in performance. This SelfCheck 20 questions on all relevant aspects provides a relatively simple and pragmatic approach to identify possible problem areas.

The findings of practical studies, are the background of the Guide that currently most of the manufacturing companies in its production not adequate or current performance measurement systems to the quality and performance control used. Their use in continuous improvement processes (CIP) is also inadequate after the experiences of the PI Institute. Key figures are not a foreign word in the production management, however lacks often the necessary classification and consistency”, explained Jeannette Ewen, Managing Director of the PI Institute. KPI as a control instrument have their sense, to identify possible productivity and quality deficiencies and to initiate effective measures derived primarily.” It considers that the same analytical quality must be achieved in the production processes, as she already exist in the business processes. This can be achieve, which follow a holistic and process-oriented production intelligence approach (PI) but only with solutions. The Guide performance measurement systems can be ordered in the production: Analysis, problems, solutions”at the PI Institute by email via.

About the PI Institute that the PI Institute aims, scientific orientation and with complementary partners practical continues to explore the theme of production intelligence (PI), to develop solutions and implementation methods, but merge the so far different specialty areas within the meaning of PI. Also among the goals of the PI Institute to develop regulations for practitioners, as well as to produce a continuous transfer of knowledge through professional events and training courses.

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