Egypt Hittites
Nearly 10,000 Egyptians are killed and defeat seems inevitable. However, something unexpected happens: With virtually defeated enemy, the Hittites irresponsibly targeted their efforts to pillage and looting. Pharaoh himself owes his life to the greed of the Hittites who try to collect the prize that was promised: if it succeeds, could be charged as liked the favor of the war have paid for its battle tanks donated by the soldiers to State's inability to afford new ones. a A peace deal salvation and unexpected. The marks for ambition, the turning point of the battle. Muwatallish II, from his place of battle, attends the consummation of a feast. Taking everything going for it to take the victory, the Hittite king lost a great opportunity to annihilate the other three divisions.
Ramses, who is informed that the remaining divisions were very close, take the general prey to break the siege of Hittite chariots and made its way safely to reach the other bank of the Orontes River. In this regard, of great importance were the participation of thousands of notable Egyptian archers, who take advantage of the push to enter the field hitting Egypt launched a massive attack of arrows that caused a terrible mortality. Displaying a change his star, Ramses ordered a realignment of its forces. Fortunately for him, Amorites militia troops appeared in this crucial moment and the equality of forces was evident. The Hittites, and defensive position, launched after the flight, trying to ford the river to get rest.
With the horses tired and heavy battle tanks clash, the Hittites and were unable to rebuild their offensive despite the efforts of Muwatallish II, in despair at the disruption to their plans. Near the end of the battle, the Hittite king could not be more frustrated: He had missed the opportunity to exploit their tactical advantage and according to how the battle was now presented, it was best to retire. a In the Egyptian countryside, from pessimism to euphoria passed. Two divisions were still quite cool and the enemy put to flight. But Rameses chose to be more cautious. Perhaps he realized that the mortality and the price of the campaign were too high to start defensive positions. Something similar must have thought Muwatallish II, realizing the danger of displaying such disparate forces together, paid only for what they steal the fight and dominated by ambition, was extremely difficult not already seen happen. True to his diplomatic skills, sent a peace offer to Ramses, who secretly gladly accepted. Around 1.285 BC, signed a treaty of friendship and mutual cooperation between Kadesh Ramses Hattusili IIA and III, the new king of the Hittite empire. a In the above treatment, finally, both nations renew their mutual aspirations for peace and put an end to their differences. Indeed, over the years and the increased risk Assyrian, both form a common front. On the other hand, had the sad end Bentesina Prince, Amorite ally of Ramses, which was ousted in favor of Sabili, a new king who accepted without honor to be a vassal. As Ramses, he returned to Egypt literally a vaciasa con hands. Despite losing Syria (after all, as a consolation prize penetrated into the neighboring region of Amurru and Upi) not saved the Egyptian efforts to direct the type celebrated Pentaur false narrative of his exploits. Nation of this order Pentaur famous poem, which has reached us after silence of more than 3000 years., specialist in history, with extensive experience in research on global wars and conflicts. to