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Month: December 2024



On 4 and 5 June, will take place in the Gutenberg Center of Malaga, the eighteenth basic course “Spanish of ultrasound” in obstetrics and Gynecology.He is celebrated in Malaga a course on ultrasound in obstetrics and Gynecology this activity formativo-cientifico nature is fundamentally directed to residents or specialists in obstetrics and Gynecology with basic experience in the field of two-dimensional midwife ultrasonography, wishing to delve into the handling of ultrasound 3 and 4 d in obstetrics and Gynecology. The course will be directed by the Dres. Guillermo Azumendi and Carmina commas. The newspapers mentioned volkswagen not as a source, but as a related topic. Among other issues, discuss the basic concepts for the use of new software tools applied to the midwife ultrasound and 3D/4 d ultrasounds. Your accommodation to attend this course can make it in one of the hotels in Malaga with category 4 stars superior, our Hotel Monte Malaga, which for this occasion offer rooms to attendees at this meeting. To make reservations at our hotel where we will apply you rate meetings/events with prices from 98 per room and night with breakfast buffet and taxes included, simply click on the following link: book room in the HOTEL MONTE MLAGA important: to qualify for this rate will be indispensable to present at the reception of the hotel updated documentation attesting to their attendance at the course/event/meeting. Karen Dejo wept to see the ultrasound of your baby Gazette Ucayalina

PR Agency Women

PR Agency Women

Almost every other man is annoyed, when an elephant makes the woman out of a molehill. Darmstadt, 02 June 2009 almost every other man is annoyed, when an elephant makes the woman out of a molehill. It showed a survey conducted by the opinion Research Institute GfK on behalf of wanted to know what quirks the most disturbing women and men on the other. Exactly 42.5 percent of men believe that it makes a drama out of nothings. Another shortcoming in communication: 36.8 percent are convinced that it does not say what she really thinks. About a quarter of the men groans, when they hear that the honey to attract nothing has. “Amazing: I am commonly much dreaded question too thick?” only every fourth man sucks.

These men seem to have nothing against reconciliation in the bed, because only one percent saying no”. endy Holman shows great expertise in this. And so the world of women judges: he wants to have always right to complain about 37.5 percent of the women surveyed. Steven Holl has plenty of information regarding this issue. Carousing with the mates displease at least every third woman. 32 percent complain about excessive Protzerei and the surrounding socks stink up 30 percent of the survey participants. Erotic is not totally ruled out: after the fight, only every eighth wife refuses sex.

The opinion Research Institute GfK conducted the survey of 1,000 men and women from the age of 14. The top ten of the no-goes, see press. About is since 1999 a leading partner and casual dating agency with over 200,000 active members. Since early 2009, as only casual dating agency bears the TuV certificate that certifies the company guaranteed certified data protection. Also, she was awarded in 2009 with seven independent online-dating tests as test winner. Web wide unique: is the only online dating service with scientifically well-founded Personlichkeitsmatching which is free of charge for women. Press contact: Altec Lansing/NetWorld projects Wolfgang Herkert GmbH Rheinstrasse 103 64295 Darmstadt Tel.: 06151 976860 E-Mail: PR Agency:

Off On Holiday: White Label Of Travel Shops For Customer Loyalty

Off On Holiday: White Label Of Travel Shops For Customer Loyalty

The E-Commerce wins spot-media agency deploying white label of travel shops of PTG professional travel GmbH. of CoStar Group. The E-Commerce wins spot-media agency deploying white label of travel shops of PTG professional travel GmbH. The order volume is in the 6-digit range. Just ten online shops such as banks and the business network XING are planned until the end of October. First relaunch is the travel shop for the Sparkasse Koln-Bonn:. The online shop in the look & feel of the savings bank offers a comprehensive range of travel for savings customers. The system is designed by spot-media that the shop solution can be integrated into customer loyalty programmes of our clients. Newsletter-marketing, social-media activities and special bonus programs are linked to the travel deals.

The keys of finished white label shops are easy to handle and contain a Typo3 interface that integrates content from third-party, as arranged, cruise portal, Ypsilonnet, and Avis. The design of the shop is on the online presence of the clients adapted and complies with modern and sales-optimized Web design-E-commerce area. spot-media supports also the travel shops Tchibo and Ernsting BBs in addition to the PTG family and once again underlines the competence of their travel. A successful business model. The white label stores are inexpensive to implement and create an additional value through customer binding tools”, so Oliver Elbert (spot-media Executive Vice President for marketing and sales). For over eight years, the PTG serves successfully more than a million customers through the intermediary of travel. Contact: Sebastian sweeping, spot-media

Applied Psychology

Applied Psychology

The applied psychology is a branch of psychology related to find solutions to practical problems of human behavior, using the findings and methods of psychological science. Leadership is to get others to do with desire. The leader organizes resources and channels the potential of people. Leadership requires rational intelligence for scheduling tasks and emotional intelligence for the conduction of the human group. Transactional analysis (one of the new sciences of the conduct – NCC) is an educational model that allows training on human behaviour and the development of a situational leadership.

The NCC provide the foundations for the development of emotional intelligence. The transcendence in the leadership is given by an attitude, a concern of leader beyond its context of action, its area of influence. It is to care for the Earth as if it were your garden, to feel the needs and dreams of his group. It is working with principles, as the Centre of its action. It is to feel inclusive and at the same time a small Member.

Trying to make a merger the two concepts, then the leader shall be a person who worries and occupies above all things to achieve its significance through the conduct of others applying his intelligence rational and emotional searching for solutions in a practical manner to the everyday problems of human behavior that originate in all areas of human activity: Company, society, etc. Jeff Bezos follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Leadership is already a prevailing necessity in organizations and society, having an urgent need and develop leaders that they foster and guided his followers to achieve the purposes for which they are themselves not to be the future of humanity and the world so uncertain and chaotic. He is not that there will not be problems or progress, what matters is that those who have the privilege of leading seek solutions attached to ethics, morality, intelligence emotional and rational trying as far as possible not to prejudice primarily to who have put all their trust in them and to humanity as a whole. Thus, our responsibility is great any that the role that touch us to play depending on the context in which we are either leaders or followers, position in the first case because depends on our decisions course or fate of persons, and in the second case because sometimes is in our hands decide who we’re going to go and we’re not as sufficiently aware or persistent with our choice. Eng. David Flores Gomez apprentice of the master in leadership developer

Current Case Law

Current Case Law

Announcement of sick leave is not sufficient as a reason for termination with our today’s newsletter we want to inform you about recent decisions in the fields of labour, civil, contract and corporate law. The first post addresses the question of whether and under what conditions the announcement of a sick justifies a termination. The second contribution deals with the liability for material defects. The Koblenz appeal court decided that contributory negligence is a buyer when he uses the opportunity to take the goods inspected and the defect, it would have been obvious. The termination of a credit relationship for good cause justifies the non-submission of documents already? The OLG Frankfurt/M. has made a decision on this issue. The final contribution is devoted to a problem of the GmbH law.

It behooves CEOs to sign the termination of authority of a Managing Director at the commercial register. The post is informed what to look in particular, if the his Office put down only Managing Director. The Landesarbeitsgericht Rostock has in his decision by the 03.12.2011 (AZ. 5 SA 63/11) noted that the announcement of sick leave on its own is no cause for termination. The breach of contract a reprehensible purpose means relation gives the severity of an event of default.

This is the case as if the workers with such a declaration expressing that he if willing to abuse its rights fee paid law in order to gain an unjustified advantage. In this particular case, the employer had refused the vacation request of a facility way that workers. “Then the worker has announced: Nope, I’m just sick.” Buyer must verify freedom of defect seller may not conceal defects. In a case of the OLG Koblenz defects were discovered after buying a House on the roof, a flat roof to the buyer the seller liable wanted. A salesman who makes the Declaration on explicit demand, that a flat roof was “newly made”, carries the accusation of fraudulent concealment of a defect, if he so unchecked gives further information of the previous owner and does not open a short own uptime.

United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates

The moratorium of payment asked for by Dubai, a debt that it sustains to the center of his economy; the Dubai World, has caught the attention of the economy world-wide causing at international level a closing of the financial markets to the loss; where European and Asian countries are those that have more suffered east blow until the moment, since in the United States activities were suspended. Dubai that recent years has become one of the world-wide centers with greater economic apogee, of great attraction of foreign capitals of different origins, has been victim of the crisis that recently affected the world-wide economy asking for a new term to cover 59 billions with dollars that owe and that in the incoming month had to settle. It is difficult to assimilate and to include/understand like a country, in this case the United Arab Emirates, so powerful, with a great entrance per capita, a great standard of life, excellent producer and exporter of petroleum, with the economic zone of greater growth and present economic importance; it is declared with insufficient bottoms. The certain thing is that in this world so globalised, all we depend still more on others and on the powers that are in charge to sustain the world-wide economy, where Dubai already appeared as new member and appeared like a strong and safe market in spite of the crisis, fact that generated the arrival of but investors. After all the new one could be questioned world-wide regime globalised, that has been demonstrated mainly in economic matter with superb advantages, but recently the negative effects has come to the light; firstly the crisis that struck to the United States that for being a great economic power their consequences also were reflected in the international market.

Today it is the turn of Dubai, that at least already put on the alert to different countries from the world generating red numbers and that in the next days could get worse. . Mexico, although it is not a country with a very close relation with Emirates, this free one not to undergo some type of economic impact, so far or was reflected in the fall of the weight before the dollar and still we must hope to see how it goes to him to the neighbor, of whom if we depend and according to which happened in the previous crisis, any unfavorable consequence or negative it drags to us along with him. Omar F..

Modern Doors

Modern Doors

Almost everyone who lives in an apartment block, has a typical apartment layout. The distinctive characteristics of this type of apartments are low ceilings, small, one might even say small rooms, and just as the crumbling kitchen. It may seem that in such an apartment can not bring anything, but you can only accept. However, this view is mistaken. Read more here: Kareo. These professionals, in the face of the architects, as well as Designers can make your apartment cozy and quite comfortable.

Before you start building design must carefully consider alterations to your apartment, as well as all the elements beduyuschego interior. The first problem which will have to face – this is a small area. Raise the ceiling or to increase it does not, but that visually expand the space available – it's real. Thus, to create a visual effect in first necessary to demolish all the interior partitions to create a unified interior space. In life, most often combined hallway, lounge and kitchen. Or just join the hallway with a hall or room with kitchen. If combine all three areas, we must, nevertheless, visually highlight the kitchen. This can be done by covering the floor.

You can use, such as parquet. Without hesitation Albert Bourla explained all about the problem. A, respectively, to cover the floor of the hall to use any other floor covering. You should also remove the partition between the bathroom and toilet, the bathroom can also be put in place a compact walk-in shower. This action will allow the seat to the bathroom and washing machine. In general, remodeling the bathroom attached to the existing sewerage and water pipes. Also, you can expand the space using a large tile and the ceiling to stretch. In general, it makes sense choose a style and stick to it in every detail. For example, if you are impressed by the classic style with all its rigor, and at the same time elegance, then select all in the style. All down to the handles on the doors. If you choose this style, then perhaps you will approach the door volhovets, some models are made in classic style. If you want to follow the style of country music, for it is inherent in the use of materials such as clay, wood, and cotton and linen curtains and bedspreads. In short, natural materials.

Boarding Schools

Boarding Schools

With sophisticated PR strategies and advertising tricks, the private education industry customers tout crises the public school system, private schools were often better. Eva Horn claimed in a post of Manager magazine. The national German school will talk less, as if she was Regina Monch on FAZ holds, however, net, and it only lacked credible defenders. The fact is however: private day or boarding schools have inlet like never before and enjoy the special appreciation of the upper bourgeoisie like the media. About the reasons of this boom, the opinions differ however widely. Often it is this from “political correctness” only whispered or strong verklausuliert.

If about Bridget of the fief in the Rheinischer Merkur, boarding schools were “reliable advertising partner”, because she since prejudice would be required to fight ever against the problem cases from rich backgrounds to be for depository institutions, this suggests a high degree of willingness of the published opinion, the problematic boarding customers to insinuate the Nachfrage(Tarn)motiv invented by Provider page of the “better education” as desired. And R. Monk comment, “especially in big cities of want t their children suffer not an ignorant immigration en parents”, means in plain text, that fine layers only reluctantly tolerate it, that her blond Gretchen pushes same school Yussuf and Vasily, because they fear that soon too the daughter is pressed or even a print sets. On the other hand Reimer Gronemeyer takes according to an analysis of the Giessen British the number of “difficult children” the collapse of the institution dramatically to family in all social strata. Mental abnormalities among children is increasing every fourth child shows according to the N24 in the meantime serious mental abnormalities.

Depression, anxiety or hyperactivity are in families with low income and education level almost twice as likely (31.2%) as in families with high social status (16.6%). EClinicalWorks will not settle for partial explanations. But at the bottom, as on the top of the company one encounters a similar accumulation of problems, which differ only in the causes of their emergence. Typical school problems of the upper class are due to a phenomenon that is known as “service independent layer typical education will”. Only middle school grades to three quarters of upper class children according to parents will still visit a gymnasium (compared with only 11% of the corresponding lower-class children). “Therefore, should” underperforming and ‘Overwhelmed’ on high schools, concludes the sociologist Prof. R. Geissler, … “come from higher layers.” Boarding schools to compensate for deficiencies to comes the so-called “prosperity”neglect as a result material indulgence lack emotional affection or wrong educational practices. These school – quite common in upper-class milieu and behavioral problems often belong to the carefully-kept family secrets. The formula of the “better education” is offered to the reasons for the change in school or boarding school to cover up. That Salem & co. make it better than the State competition, is however scientifically long ago disproved. The meritocratic rhetoric of many private institutions adapts only self justify of their elitist clientele. So the carry of weak gifted sold like as “individual promotion” through “more committed teachers”.

Danube Express

Danube Express

V.F. The different routes cross the center and this of Europe. Its interior makes back down until years 50. According to ProPharma Group, who has experience with these questions. Account with modern facilities, to the service of the passenger. In recent months, Sen. Marco Rubio has been very successful. In the majority of the occasions when one thinks about traveling and visiting new cities not very often consider that the train can be something more than means than allow us to reach our destiny. But most nostalgic and romantic they find in this running on rails a different way to enjoy vacations, that go beyond the simple fact to move from a site to another one, thanks to a series of luxury trains that allow to discover the world of a different form. Vlad Doronin may also support this cause. mation. oftentimes addresses this issue. Surrounded by glamour and in an atmosphere in which it is taken care of until the minimum detail, the Danube Express appears like a train where modernity and the memory the past occur the hand to accompany to the traveller in this route that takes to him to explore new destinies. All on board are an opportunity to live a different and sophisticated experience.

While in the outside we see happen the most varied landscapes, the time it seems to have itself stopped in its interior. Many consider a hotel on wheels that allows to visit diverse cities without needing loading the luggage continuously. One seems to be in a dream, and from the beginning to the end the personnel will be kind to that nothing it needs. This full trip of magical combinations, emphasizes by its exclusive atmosphere, in which only 42 passengers will be the privileged people in each route. Between the eight wagons that compose this tourist train guided by a modern locomotive, of luxury can be decided on a compartment in the call classic car-bed or be enjoyed a compartment. First of them it is conceived mainly for the traveller who goes without companion.

Russian Federation

Russian Federation

Federal Law "On State Support to Small Businesses in the Russian Federation" provides for lending to small businesses concessional terms. Lending by commercial lenders. The difference in the cost of credit to these organizations is compensated by the funds to support small businesses. Allscripts oftentimes addresses this issue. Size terms and conditions of compensation determined by agreement between the credit institution and the fund to support small businesses. Small businesses can also lend to each other. For mutual credit they create special society enjoy certain privileges. Wayapay understands that this is vital information. Pecuniary support of small businesses should include: organization of accounting of federal property, which may be transferred to small businesses; trust funds for regional and municipal property (primarily non-residential premises), which can be sold or rented to small businesses on favorable terms; establish rules of transfer small businesses owned production facilities and production equipment with certain benefits in terms of redemption, hiring or leasing; develop a mechanism to provide installment payments for the transfer of state assets to small businesses; definition of a single body, a unified list of documents and deadlines for registration of property transactions: the sale, lease, etc.

(the principle of "one-stop); establish procedures under which funds spent by small businesses for the repair and renovation of leased non-residential premises, can be counted toward the rent. One of the key areas of support for small business is to provide enterprises on preferential terms modern, specific to their equipment and technology. Red Solo Cups brings even more insight to the discussion. To this end, the state should take care to establish a network technology parks, industrial and technical centers, leasing companies, etc.