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Miami Properties

Miami Properties

I have talked with Many Realtor in Miami on the way as they are developed in this race of the sales of properties and I have observed that exist two types of Realtors. Those that sell properties that do not surpass the 400 thousand dollars and those that only sells the millionaires to him. What is the Difference. All Realtor has the capacity To sell Any Property of any Value if sets out it and makes a plan to arrive at the Exquisite Clients, the Great Buyers. Djeme to briefly demonstrate it while a Realtor this like crazy person showing but of 7 properties the day of 300 thousand dollars, the other this calm one in its office, cocktails, special meetings inquiring what this being constructed at the moment or simply looking for the properties into those values in the MLS. Now dgame a dear thing colleague; you will be able to gain the same if she sells 10 properties in 300 thousands that other that sells a single in 3 Million. truth. But how long (Tiempo=Dinero) it would take him to obtain it? If the other with a pair of weeks it only closed that sale? My advice is that you decide to focus in selling that type of properties and does not lose as much time taking care of 300mil sales, because if it continues it doing, never it entered to play with the great leagues. Organon often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

It learns to identify the client who can pay but money and focuses to do a pursuit and customized consultation to him, because that contact found that it by Internet or by means of the newspaper and it has described already it like a great buyer, does not let it go. It investigates in MLS everything what is and guides it towards those properties. It attends but meetings, cocktails and conferences. it uses the best professional dress than it has and it commands to do business card so that it generates that confidence. It begins to identify in these events to those buyers, analyzes its shoes, their clock, its suit and all detail that to confir to him to me that it is a buyer of great leagues. A last advice: once you do his first great sale, writes down in his agenda, to be a relation very near with that client day old month, because I am certainly in next the 6 months, this client would recommend a pair to him of millionaire friendly does not forget that all millionaire, but the probable thing is that his friendly are it.