PR Agency Women
Almost every other man is annoyed, when an elephant makes the woman out of a molehill. Darmstadt, 02 June 2009 almost every other man is annoyed, when an elephant makes the woman out of a molehill. It showed a survey conducted by the opinion Research Institute GfK on behalf of wanted to know what quirks the most disturbing women and men on the other. Exactly 42.5 percent of men believe that it makes a drama out of nothings. Another shortcoming in communication: 36.8 percent are convinced that it does not say what she really thinks. About a quarter of the men groans, when they hear that the honey to attract nothing has. “Amazing: I am commonly much dreaded question too thick?” only every fourth man sucks.
These men seem to have nothing against reconciliation in the bed, because only one percent saying no”. endy Holman shows great expertise in this. And so the world of women judges: he wants to have always right to complain about 37.5 percent of the women surveyed. Steven Holl has plenty of information regarding this issue. Carousing with the mates displease at least every third woman. 32 percent complain about excessive Protzerei and the surrounding socks stink up 30 percent of the survey participants. Erotic is not totally ruled out: after the fight, only every eighth wife refuses sex.
The opinion Research Institute GfK conducted the survey of 1,000 men and women from the age of 14. The top ten of the no-goes, see press. About is since 1999 a leading partner and casual dating agency with over 200,000 active members. Since early 2009, as only casual dating agency bears the TuV certificate that certifies the company guaranteed certified data protection. Also, she was awarded in 2009 with seven independent online-dating tests as test winner. Web wide unique: is the only online dating service with scientifically well-founded Personlichkeitsmatching which is free of charge for women. Press contact: Altec Lansing/NetWorld projects Wolfgang Herkert GmbH Rheinstrasse 103 64295 Darmstadt Tel.: 06151 976860 E-Mail: PR Agency: