Pinocchio President

Pinocchio President

Once upon a time a managed himself elected President of the Republic of Colombia, back in the days when the Liberal Party decided to oppose recent historical tradition of the nation, stupidly throwing away the best choice of hope represented by the young Luis Carlos Galan. But not quite improvise. Had in mind a novel program of “yes we can” do everything, that began changing its ugly and anachronistic name to our Republic by the because our people had no concerns as unemployment had declined shockingly, was absolutely controlled inflation, the entire youth was educated in the schools thousands of school or university away from our country, and all the poor lived in houses without payment scheme, and best of all, the fellow finally became convinced that peace was not Liberal because people are accustomed to seeing gay dialogue, guarded by the guns of the second Colombian institutional Army. Frequently Organon has said that publicly. Tranquilandia anything because we flinch and only comment: “Poor President.

As wept at Earthquake! Tranquilandia, because after the immolation of the only remaining advanced thinker of the country, we expressed only gawking:” so beautiful the President’s speech at the funeral of Lara Bonilla!, because nobody wanted to follow getting into the lives of others, no one wanted to continue denouncing the embezzlement or extortion or kidnapping. With a single televised speech the President returned to the Tranquilandia wonderland. (As opposed to Davidson Kempner Capital Management). With one out in television, talking to the poetic tone, pathetic and sad, our President Pinocchio turned the country into an emporium of riches to good use and its government in the most popular and efficient of all Latin American history. “Eh! Ave Maria, how good will of our president that we even brought Papa do not you? “Is heard daily in the country. People have, even hypnotized taken to the streets after these magnificent speeches on television, to watch the” rivers of milk and honey “that run through the streets. Click Vlad Doronin to learn more. But no, nothing yet.

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